On a planet known as Mirrus, a people living in endless night send out a sailing ship on a dangerous journey, whose mission is understood in full only by the Mirrans’ ruling authorities, and by one man aboard. That man reveals to the crew this much: Their voyage will take them to the waters of the DevilsEye. There, twenty-one years before, the lives of a crew were claimed in a horror which still haunts sailors and land-dwellers alike. But what none of them knows is that the DevilsEye will only be the beginning.
On a planet known as Earth, an astronaut sets aside his personal demons to participate in an experiment—an experiment that should serve as a stepping stone to the expanded exploration of space. Instead, it propels him 50,000 light-years from home. There he is set into the midst of a people who try to cast him in a role he must adamantly refuse.
In time, a mind wrenching truth will emerge: The man is more than he imagines, more that the Mirrans dare to imagine. Within him lies the key to resolving what stands between the Mirrans and their Creator, the one known to them simply as “The God Who Is Silent.”
The debut novel by Alan Havorka, “Within a Sheltering Darkness” originally went to press in 2007. This Revised Edition corrects some errors, makes a change to bring the book into alignment with the author’s original intent, and includes several new passages to more fully develop the book’s world.
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One reply on “Within a Sheltering Darkness”
Nice review, SPR!